Question: When backing up, it is usually best to: When backing up it is best to idrivesafely. Look behind your car and use your mirrors while backing up slowly to prevent a pedestrian . I always want to be closer to the exit than to the entrance of the building. Walk on the sidewalks when possible. Following are safety tips for drivers on what they can do to help reduce the number of pedestrian deaths and injuries: Yield to pedestrians and cyclists. 2. vehicle at the appropriate distances as per the instructions. The National Safety Council warns: Children most vulnerable to being struck in the driveway are younger than age 4. An 8 year old pedestrian was critically injured in a back-over accident in New York City yesterday. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. B.) Be aware of small childrenthe smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. Discourage them from texting or talking on a cell phone while driving. I am working it so that I pass behind you before the next car as you go by. If you must walk on a street, walk facing traffic. In two-way traffic, pedestrians should walk facing oncoming traffic. . Drivers should always check surroundings as they back out of the driveway to ensure a child isn't near. Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles. This walkaround helps prevent you from potentially driving over toys, animals, and children! Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Have children in the area stand to the side Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Tips for Students. This walkaround helps prevent you from potentially driving over toys, animals, and children! A second employee needs to checks the attendance and sign off on the transportation log. Be aware of small children-the smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. Teach children that a parked car might move suddenly and the driver may not see them. Avoid distractions. PREVENTION TIPS Teach children not to play in or around cars. c) Students should walk a minimum of 10 feet away after disembarking the school bus (teach students that 10 feet equals 5 GIANT STEPS.) The left hand grips the steering wheel near the top and turns it in the direction a driver wants the vehicle to go. The beeps become faster as the vehicle moves . . 5. Open the door and look back. Where can I find more information? The National Safety Council warns: Children most vulnerable to being struck in the driveway are younger than age 4. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Instead, the spotter should always walk forward, turn around, then give the proper hand signal. Take a trial run of the route to school, including the bus stop, taking note of any areas where there aren't many people around like vacant parking lots, construction areas, and parks. When clear of the front vehicle, turn wheels sharply to the left and continue backing. make sure their gas tank is full. Hold your child's hand when you are near traffic; Set a good example for them to copy. because the driver did not see the child. This may impress your Driving Instructor on the day of the test. Don't drive after consuming alcohol or other drugs. Do not use your cell phone or text while driving. Pedestrians should adhere to the following guidelines: Always walk around the perimeter of the roundabout. Look each way before crossing. For maximum visibility, keep your windshield clean and . C.) apply the parking brake to keep speed down. The spotter should not walk backwards while giving instructions. There is safety in numbers. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Always walk right around your car before backing out. Under these conditions, pedestrians should always walk as close to the outside edge of the road as possible. Check behind your vehicle before you get in. Drivers should always check surroundings as they back out of the driveway to ensure a child isn't near. If two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the right. All drivers should yield the . Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. At four-way stops, the first vehicle to stop should move forward first. Pedestrian fatalities (while loading and unloading school buses) account for approximately three times as . Teach kids to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before getting off, to use the handrails when exiting, and to always walk in front of the bus. 3. Hold hands with children in parking lots. Be sure children use the buddy system and always walk to and from school with a friend or stay with a group at the bus stop. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. 1. Backing requires the full attention and skill of the driver. Show your kids the safest route ahead of time. She said parents should always walk around their vehicles before getting in and added that parents should teach their children about the dangers of backing and forward-moving vehicles, and realize . The boy was playing on the sidewalk of Webster Avenue near the intersection of Ittner Place when a car pulled out of an auto shop and hit him. . Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. 130 views asked Apr 15 in Other by Kamal (17.6k points) Before backing, drivers should always (A) walk around the vehicle to make sure the path is clear of obstacles. Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles. Children can be unpredictable, actively check your mirrors while backing up. Teach children never to play in or around cars and trucks. Know where your children are. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Always walk on the sidewalk. In addition, safety experts advise that all children under the age of 12 should ride in the back seat. Reverse slowly. Get the Correct ANSWER 4. NEUTRAL w/parking brake set. B.) Turn wheels sharply to the right, and back slowly into the parking space. Some of them will be walking or biking to school. 1. Get back in the car, roll up the windows and lock the doors. When I walk out of the store, it drives me crazy people stopping in their cars. Drivers should also heighten their awareness before engaging a vehicle into reverse; especially when children are present. Buckle Up, It's Probably the Law. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. Get the Correct ANSWER. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. a) Always have students walk a MINIMUM of 10 feet in front of the bus and NEVER behind it. A driver should always walk a complete lap around the car before pulling out of the driveway. be sure to adjust your mirrors properly and turn your head over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move As a reminder, Illinois bans the use of all hand-held devices while driving in . 1.Remove anything blocking the view in your vehicle. Wait until you're close to the car before unlocking it, and if the car design allows it, unlock the driver's door only. Truck drivers and drivers with CDLs are trained to do this, and this one safety precaution makes truck backover cases 100 percent preventable. Make sure that your teen driver understands and obeys all traffic laws. Use back-up cameras and sensors, but do not rely on them 2.Adjust the seat. Reverse is a more powerful gear than drive, so carefully D.) signal their intention to back up by flashing their hazard lights. Be aware of small children's presence the smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. -Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. -Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles. 2. Walk children to the bus stop and wait with them at least six feet away from the curb until the bus arrives, at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Children who do not meet these minimum criteria should pair their seat belt or latch system with a correctly installed safety seat, and should always ride in the back seat of the vehicle. "Always walk around your vehicles before backing out the vehicle or leaving a garage" the two physicians stressed noting that a number of children unfortunately are injured by their own parent . Be aware of small childrenthe smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. When approaching your vehicle, regardless of where you have parked it, always walk around it to check for any irregularities. Before backing, drivers should always. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. To improve balance, drivers should drape their right arm over the seat's back while their left hand grips the steering wheel. A.) Check for children, animals and small objects behind the vehicle which may not be visible from the driver's seat. Should you walk to the call box in front of you, or the one behind? Be aware of small childrenthe smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. how to decrease blind spot areas on your vehicle's left and right? Have everyone else using your drive do the same. As the end of the summer draws near, families are already planning for the upcoming school year; buying . Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles. And if the mirror was retracted, pull out your mirror. Always buckle up when riding in a car. Your hand should hold the wheel starting in the 6:00 position. These sensors can measure the distance between your car and nearby obstacles directly around the front or rear bumper. 4. . If you want the trailer to go left, bring your hand up to the left. Lock all car doors. Explain what you are doing when you cross the road together. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. This also goes for parking lots. Avoid conversations on the cellular phone as you return to the car as this will only distract you. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. Drivers should take a walk around their parked vehicle to ensure that no children are behind it before getting in. Look left, right, and left . The driver stayed at the scene of the accident. According to the American School Bus Council, 25 million children across the U.S. ride some 480,000 school buses to and from school every school day.Statistically, riding the bus is relatively safe for children. always walk on the shoulder on the left side, facing traffic. Be sure to remove your backpack before . you should place your hand on top of the wheel and back slowly. Young children are impulsive and unpredictable; still have very poor judgment and little understanding of danger. If there are no sidewalks, pedestrians should walk facing traffic. (D) signal their intention to back up by flashing their hazard lights. Before getting in a vehicle, a driver should always check behind the car. Before backing, drivers should always. C.) Walk to the one behind you. Prevent Back-over Always walk around the vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. You must yield the right-of-way to all other traffic and pedestrians at stop signs. Now the Chicago Tribune reports that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will send Congress a proposal mandating a rearview camera for all passenger vehicles starting in 2014. D.) You should push your vehicle to the . And kids should always ride in the back seat until they're at least 13 years old. Cross the street at intersections or marked crosswalks. In many instances, pedestrians actually see or hear the vehicle before the driver can see them. If you desire to flag down a driver, consider putting up the hood/bonnet of the car to attract attention. C.) Use a spotter, use both outside mirrors. Always walk around your vehicle to make sure all areas are clear before backing up. Look carefully behind your vehicle for approaching pedestrians, especially small children, before backing up. I drive through the back of the lots and park towards the back. -Be aware of small children-the smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. because the driver did not see the child. Back-to-school season is a busy time for everyone. THE TECHNOLOGY BEHIND IT. Always walk on a sidewalk whenever possible. 6. walk around the vehicle to make sure the path is clear of obstacles When holding the steering wheel, it is recommended that you place your hands. They are too young to cope alone. The best tip for the driver is to hold your hand at the bottom of the wheel. Vehicle Walkaround You should always walk around the back of your vehicle before you get inside your vehicle. Before making a turn, look in all directions for pedestrians crossing. In 2005-06, there were 13 fatality accidents involving K-12 school children in or around the loading or unloading areas of a school bus or transit bus. If you want the trailer to go right, bring your hand up to the right. OSHA's powered industrial truck safety guidelines for pedestrian safety around forklifts include common sense thinking. This lets you see children playing behind or in front of the car. you should turn your head and body to see where you are backing, and be prepared to stop. walk around the vehicle to make sure the path is clear of obstacles. To improve balance, a drivers right arm can be draped over the back of the seat. Always remain visible to the driver, and never cross the road behind the bus. Safety Tips. Make sure they move away from your vehicle to a place where they are in full view before moving the car. 3.Adjust the inside and outside mirrors for proper vision. B.) Always walk around and behind a vehicle prior to moving it. Always walk around and behind a vehicle prior to moving it. Always walk on the crosswalks. Always walk on sidewalks whenever they're available. Seat belts are designed to fit adults who are at least 4 feet, 9 inches tall and weigh at least 80 pounds. Following are suggestions to help keep your children safe around the car: Take precautions each time you use your car: Take a 5-second walk completely around your car before you get in. The driver is alerted by beeps or the dashboard display. Make sure your hazard lights are flashing. Be aware of small children-the smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. 5.Make sure the Car is in the Park or Neutral Gear. Roll down your windows so you can hear what's going on around your car. Make sure children in the area are in sight before backing a vehicle out of the driveway. Talking on a cell phone is never a safe option while driving, and this is especially true when backing. Walking . When backing out of a garage or driveway, know where your children are. Make sure your car is in park or neutral gear. cars, trucks, and buses when walking near or around them. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. If there is no marked crosswalk, cross the leg when it is safe about one vehicle-length away from the circulatory roadway. Never move your car until you have looked around for pedestrians and oncoming traffic. D.) Steer with both hands while looking in the rear view mirror. A.) Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. Children, pets, and small objects are hard to see from the driver's seat. Always walk around your vehicle, and check the area around it before reversing. Young children are impulsive and unpredictable; still have very poor judgment and little understanding of danger. And yes, even expectant mothers should wear seat belts. Use parking lot aisles rather than spaces in between vehicles when walking to and from . Have children in the area stand to the side We should all treat parking lots as if they are busy streets. Place your right arm on the back of the seat and turn around so that you can look directly through the rear window. Backing up requires drivers to turn their heads and bodies to the right to see beyond the headrest and through the back window. A "head-count" alone is not good enough but counting children does have its purposes. -Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if the car is started. 2 Next, place your hand in the 12 o'clock position on the steering wheel. Your car breaks down on the freeway and your cell phone battery is dead. The most effective procedure for loading and unloading the bus ensures that everyone is accounted for. Turn your head and body to the right until you can see clearly through the back window. When walking or biking to school, students should stay within the crosswalks and obey all traffic signals and signs. Walk around your vehicle and inspect it. Leave time in the morning to eat and groom before entering your vehicle and stay off the phone while driving. Steer with one hand, while looking into the rear view mirror. Always walk around your vehicle to make sure all areas are clear before backing up. You should also look around the inside of your vehicle as well. Fieldtrips. I don't drive in front of the stores. Teach children to move away from an automobile when a driver gets in or if the car has started. Heatstroke can occur at temperatures as low as 60 degrees. b) Students should be taught to wait at least 10 feet away from the front side of the school buses on its arrival. PREVENTION TIPS Teach children not to play in or around cars. Stop Signs. Step-by-step instructions 1 In accordance with your pre-drive checklist, preparing to back-up your car begins outside the vehicle. Fasten safety belts and shoulder harnesses. Be sure the front of your vehicle does not block passing or oncoming traffic. Teach children not to play in or around cars. Use a roster to check each child on and off the bus. Hugh Pickens writes "Every year around 17,000 people are injured and over 200 die in backover accidents involving cars, trucks and SUVs. Always walk around your automobile and check the area around it before backing up. Be aware of small children-the smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. Always walk around your vehicle and check the area around it before backing up. A.) Teach children not to play in or around cars. When getting out of the car, check side mirrors before opening the door. OSHA guideline 29 CFR 1910.176 (a) requires pedestrian pathways and other walking areas to be clearly marked and free from obstructions at all times, which is particularly important in those areas near regular forklift activity. You should walk to the box in front of you. When You Back Up. The NHTSA's "Traffic Safety Facts 2012 Data: Pedestrians" notes that pedestrian deaths make up 14 percent of all traffic fatalities in motor vehicle crashes. Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles. Think of it like a clock. Always go slowly, watching carefully in all directions. Always walk around and behind a vehicle before moving it. Boat Accidents; Car Accidents; Construction Defects; Dangerous Products; Dog Bites; Head, Brain and Spine Injuries . (C) apply the parking brake to keep speed down. Of the 13 fatalities, 7 occurred behind the bus and 6 were killed by a passing motorist. Be aware of small childrenthe smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. It is always safer to walk facing the traffic. It is not legal on the freeway. 4.Fasten Seat Belt. . Always assume the driver does not know that you are there. When personnel dismount the apparatus they should always walk around the front of the vehicle if they are moving to the other side to spot. 9 and 3 or 8 and 4 positions Relative to the total driving population, teen drivers are nearly - as likely to be involved in a fatal crash twice (B) make sure their gas tank is full. Children or small objects cannot be seen from the driver's seat. Never walk behind a truck when it is backing up; truck drivers cannot see directly Also remind the drivers in your family about these toddler car-safety tips: Always walk around the car before moving it, back up slowly, pay attention to the mirrors and keep vehicles locked at all times, even when parked in the garage or driveway. You should not exit the car. Adjust the inside and outside rear view mirrors. Teach children to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in it or if a car is running. Usually, tow truck drivers, truckers and good Samaritans will stop to help. Drivers. A driver should always walk a complete lap around the car before pulling out of the driveway. Tips for Children Walking or Biking to School. Roll down your window and always look around when backing up or moving forward. And if the mirror was retracted, pull out your mirror. Always be with your child. You should always walk around the back of your vehicle before you get inside your vehicle. The driver or spotters should always walk around the vehicle prior to backing and limit the backing to the shortest distance possible. Install rearview cameras and backup sensors. 3 Be aware of small children (smaller children will be harder to see). You should also look around the inside of your vehicle as well. A driver should make sure that it is legal to back up. In traffic situations. An obstacle detection system uses ultrasonic sensors mounted on the front and/or rear bumpers. Because of a truck's large blind spots, a driver may not see, so it is up to you to avoid a crash. Supervise children carefully when in and around vehicles. 'Adoption of this proposal would significantly reduce fatalities and . Help your child practice it so they have it memorized before school begins. Stop even with the vehicle ahead of the parking space about 1 feet to the left of that vehicle. A driver should check traffic in both directions. Teach children not to play in or around cars. Never cross the circulatory roadway to the central island; Use cross walks (if available) on the legs of the roundabout. Move forward only when the road is clear. En Espaol; Blog; Call (843) 720-2800; Attorneys; About Us; Services. 3. Not only are school buses designed to be safer than passenger vehicles, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides data from the U.S. Department of . While we do not often build new terminals, when the opportunity presents itself, we should make every effort to build bays that have drive-through facilities for our buses or commercial vehicles. Be aware of small children-the smaller a child, the more likely it is you will not see them. Then signal and move into traffic when safe. Under no circumstances, is it acceptable, during the execution of a backing maneuver, for anyone to walk behind (back bumper area) the vehicle out of the driver's line of sight. When backing out of a driveway or garage, it is wise to walk around the car first and check the driveway and sidewalks for any children. .

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before backing drivers should always walk around the vehicle